I am getting fitted for new clubs this week before a bvacation/b and still haven't decided on Mizuno 200 and 09 Burner. I am definitely looking for more game improvement irons, something to stick with for awhile. b..../b Can the lie of my bRAC OS/b irons be bent to change the angle to one degree flatter, even though they have graphite shafts? At the present time, the toe is sticking up at this approximate degree. I had been using ping irons that had a red dot, which I presume is ...
Just picked up a set of the Wides after about 3 years developing a trying-to-be-respectable game (19) with off-the-rack Taylor Made bRAC OS/b. Clubbing it about 2 clubs better and these jobs let me play while I work to fix a b..../b I used them on bvacation/b last weekend for the first time. The 6-8 seemed to play a little short to me. I hit the 3 iron on a 240 yard par 3, just to check the distance. when I got up to the green, there was a trap in front of the green and my ball ...
domnule popescu, nu vi se pare o idee periculoasa sa mediatizati parerea locuitorilor din bracos/b cum ca autoritatile sunt pasive fata de furturile si agresiunile tiganilor? s-ar putea ca acest lucru sa fie considerat un atentat la ... Gigantii din soft drinks merg în criză pe strategii diferite. Zeci de persoane au venit să admire celebrul Orient Express, în Gara de Nord. Vedeţi cum arată apartamentul în care stă Madonna la bHotel/b Radisson din Bucureşti - VIDEO ...